Introduction to the lab environment

Before jumping into the hands-on sections let’s get familiar with the lab environment we have available.

The following lab sections rely on having a lab environment accessible in order to do the hands-on work. If you’re a Red Hatter you can order a lab environment already setup for you on the Red Hat Demo Platform. You just need to order the lab named 5G RAN Deployment on OpenShift. Notice that it has a cost of ~ $56 to run through the lab. When the lab is launched, by default you will have 12 hours to complete it before it is destroyed. The estimated time to finish the lab might look like 12 hours total (2h provisioning time, 5h lab work, 5h margin). If you need further time, it can be manually extended up to 24h in total. If you still need to deploy a lab environment, follow the guide available here.

Git Server

A gitea server is running on the infrastructure host, you can reach it out at http://infra.5g-deployment.lab:3000/.

Credentials for the git server:

  • Username: student

  • Password: student

Container Registry

A container registry is running on the infrastructure host, you can reach it out at https://infra.5g-deployment.lab:8443/.

Credentials for the container registry:

  • Username: admin

  • Password: r3dh4t1!

If you receive an error message regarding the certificate please re-run update-ca-trust on the hypervisor or add --tls-verify=false to the command line.

OpenShift Hub Cluster

An OpenShift cluster is running on the infrastructure host, you can reach it out at https://console-openshift-console.apps.hub.5g-deployment.lab and https://api.hub.5g-deployment.lab:6443

Credentials for the OCP cluster (htpassidp provider):

  • Username: admin

  • Password: The password is randomly generated for each environment, and can be found in the following path: /root/cred-admin.txt in your hypervisor host or in the e-mail you received when the lab was ready.