Monitoring the Deployment

Once the ZTP GitOps Pipeline starts deploying our clusters we can follow the installation status via the WebUI or the CLI.

Monitoring the Deployment via the WebUI

It may take a while for the installation to start, wait at least 10 minutes if you see The cluster is not ready for installation message or the SNO2 cluster shows up as draft.
  1. Access the RHACM WebUI and login with the OpenShift credentials.

  2. On the top left corner click on local-cluster and choose All Clusters to enter the RHACM Console.

  3. Once you’re in, click on InfrastructureClusters. You will see a screen like the one below if the deployment has not yet started:

    RHACM Cluster View Draft
  4. Eventually, the SNO2 cluster will start its deployment:

    RHACM Cluster View
  5. In order to check the deployment status of the sno2 cluster, click on sno2 and you will get presented this screen:

    RHACM sno2 Cluster View
  6. You can follow the progress here, if you want to get extra details you can click on View Cluster Events and you should see more information:

    RHACM sno2 Cluster Events
  7. Deployment will eventually finish:

    SNO2 cluster installation takes around 50 minutes to complete.
    RHACM sno2 Cluster Deployment Finished

Monitoring the Deployment via the CLI

Below commands must be executed from the workstation host if not specified otherwise.
  1. Check the AgentClusterInstall for SNO2 cluster:

    oc --kubeconfig ~/5g-deployment-lab/hub-kubeconfig -n sno2 get agentclusterinstall sno2
    sno2   sno2      finalizing
  2. In case you want expanded information like we saw in the WebUI you can check the conditions of the AgentClusterInstall object. For example, while installing:

    oc --kubeconfig ~/5g-deployment-lab/hub-kubeconfig -n sno2 get agentclusterinstall sno2 -o yaml
    - lastProbeTime: "2023-03-18T16:18:20Z"
      lastTransitionTime: "2023-03-18T16:18:20Z"
      message: 'The installation is in progress: Finalizing cluster installation. Cluster
        version status: progressing, message: Working towards 4.12.3: 523 of 829 done
        (63% complete)'
      reason: InstallationInProgress
      status: "False"
      type: Completed
  3. Once installed:

    - lastProbeTime: "2023-03-18T17:05:20Z"
      lastTransitionTime: "2023-03-18T17:05:20Z"
      message: 'The installation has completed: Cluster is installed'
      reason: InstallationCompleted
      status: "True"
      type: Completed
SNO2 cluster installation takes around 50 minutes to complete.

While the SNO2 cluster installs, let’s move to the next section where we will learn how to add an existing cluster to RHACM and get it managed by the ZTP GitOps Pipeline.